Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3

Columbus GA Campaign

Columbus, GA United States
sign up for vigil hours
Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3 Map
Vigil Location

Columbus Women’s Health Organization
3900 Rosemont Dr Columbus, GA

Get directions

The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity and repentence during a focused 40-day campaign of prayer and fasting, seeking to bring an end to abortion. The campaign's founding scripture is 2 Chronicles 7:14, "...if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."  Because abortion is a spiritual issue, it requires a spiritual response from God's people. Why 40 days? God uses the same time period throughout scripture- perhaps because it's a short enough period to show us how quickly and miraculously his power can transform us and our circumstances, yet it's long enough to remind us of our own frailty and dependence on God. This really is a spiritual journey, not a guarantee of results or affirmation. It's an opportunity for the people of God to be faithful, loving the God of gifts more than the gifts of God. God doesn't call us to be successful. He calls us to be faithful. 

Because of 40 Days for Life having a peaceful and prayerful presence outside of local abortion centers, over 24,853 lives have been saved worldwide since 2007, 155 abortion centers have closed and 263 abortion workers have quit as well. Our local goal is to end abortions in Columbus at the Columbus Women's Health Organization which is located next door to Seneca, Choices for Life, a local faith-based pregnancy resource center. Every moment matters at the local level. It's where we have a hands-on chance to save a life.  Abortion isn't measured by decades or court cases; it's measured by the number of abortions done daily. When the local level is the focus, and people are willing to show up and pray, God can and does change hearts and babies are saved. 

Abortion rates decline when there is a 40 Days for Life prayerful presence outside of abortion centers. It really is as easy as showing up, standing or sitting on the grassy area in front of Seneca, holding a peaceful 40 Days for Life sign, and praying. It's the best mission field and the easiest way to make a difference in the lives of moms and their babies. We know it's not always convenient to show up and pray. When we want to show up and pray at the abortion center, that's a gift from God. But when we don't want to, that is our service to God. To say yes in rain or shine, early morning or after a long day of work, these are all a part of the daily battle to end abortion. Through whatever challenges we face, these are situations where God can teach us humility. And small things done with great love make a big impact. 

Abortion appointments at the abortion center are currently twice a week. Therefore, you may or may not be praying on an abortion day. However, abortion workers are inside the abortion center answering phone calls and scheduling appointments, so prayer is needed just as much on those non-abortion days. We consider prayer on those days as "tilling the soil" for effective ministry to occur on abortion days.

While praying on-site on abortion days, some moms will take our presence as a sign not to abort. It is so simple to just show up and pray for lives to be saved. Advocates from Seneca are in the Seneca parking lot on abortion days to help those moms who choose life as Seneca offers wrap-around services to these moms in crisis. Women never forget the day of their abortion. They will remember it just as they will remember our being there. Our body language and silence when they expect judgment are things they will remember, as well as our kind and loving signs offering help. Our presence may not always save the baby, but it can serve as a gateway to healing for that mom at some point in the future. Seneca also offers post abortion healing care, Bible studies, and retreats for those moms who are dealing with the trauma and pain from an abortion. 

This simple campaign has spread to nearly 800 cities in 50 countries, and we are fortunate to be able to host a campaign in Columbus. Each time a new 40 Days for Life campaign begins, we start again to put one foot in front of the other to end abortion. Please join our local campaign and let's make abortion unthinkable in our community. 

When you come to pray:

1. Stay on Seneca property at all times and do not go onto the abortion center's property. 

2. Park in the Seneca parking lot or on the street if the lot is full.

3. Sign a "Statement of Peace" which is located in the file box on the front porch of Seneca. 

4. While at the porch, get a peaceful, 40 Days For Life sign, and hold while praying.

5. Bring a lawn chair if you prefer to sit, and set up on the grassy area in front of Seneca. It's your choice to stand or sit. Be comfortable, bring your Bible and devotional, and meet with God, praying to end abortion. There will be a few lawn chairs and umbrellas on the porch in case you need to use one. 

6. Since our goal is to have at least two people praying each hour, you may meet some new like-minded friends!







Leader Contact Info

Angie Hollis

(706) 392-4632


Send A message


Statement of Peace and Acknowledgement Form

40 Days Campaign Info Flyer

Be a part of the  local campaign